Monday, December 28, 2009

Holiday Time - Yours to Enjoy

Christmas is over and New Years is on it's way.  The holidays continue on for another week for many of us.  The last few days have given me a chance to catch up on some cleaning and take in numerous movies. Yesterday, I made a dinner for a dear friend of mine.  We enjoyed good food, great conversation, and a few glasses of wine.  What a nice way to spend an evening.

Needless to say, today was a very low key day.  I spend most of it curled up on the couch watching movies.  There have been some very enjoyable movies including: I love You Man, The Ugly Truth, The Proposal, and Julie and Julia.  I have to admit this was a very good way to spend a day.  I even had a surprise visit from another firend of mine.

Tomorrow is another free day for me.  Maybe I'll read a book that has been sitting wating for me to pick it up.  The beauty of holidays is that you can do what you like, when you like.  If you decide to do something different, that is okay too.

If you are off this week, enjoy every moment and make sure you do things you want to do.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Eve Before Christmas

Today is the official start of the holiday season.  Those of us who celebrate Christmas are likely spending time with family and friends.  The children are excited, they've written their letters for Santa Claus asking for their most desired presents, and can't wait for his arrival.  Tonight will be a night that parents will likely struggle to get those little ones to sleep.  The last resort will be telling them that if they don't go to sleep, "Santa will not come".  That one will be guaranteed to work.

Christmastime is also the end of one year and the beginning of another.  There is much reflection of 2009 - with a hope for a better 2010.  For myself, I am glad to see 2009 end.  This past year has been a difficult year.  My father has not been well and that has been a big worry.  2009 also took with it many lives, some close, some acquantances, and some celebrities. 

The next week or so, I will be enjoying some time off work.  I look forward to a much needed rest and spending time with my family and friends.  I wish everyone a joyous holiday season and a prosperous New Year. In a famous poem called "Twas the Night Before Christmas" Santa would say, "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

Friday, December 18, 2009

Province Appears Desperate

In an article in the Globe and Mail, it appears that the Ontario government is tossing around the idea of selling off many Crown corporations in an effort to bring down the $24.7 - billion deficit.  Perhaps, this is just a balloon being floated out to see how much public outcry they receive.

Some of the corporations named are Ontario Power Generation, Hydro One, LCBO, and the OLG.  These Crown corporations have been a money maker for the Ontario government for many years.  In some cases, they have also been a money pit for the tax payers of Ontario.  Many money spending issues have come out into the open over the past several years, putting many of these organizations in a bad light to many. 

The latest one being the OLG and before that the E-Health scandal, commonly known as "Muffingate".  I think instead of selling off these corporations, the government should keep a tighter reign on spending habits and actual benchmarks. 

This appears to be a sign of desperation coming from the Ontario government because they realize what a mess they have made in the province.  I'm afraid that selling precious Crown corporations will only put Ontario in a worse position.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Who Knew Sheep Herding Could Be Extreme

Although, I realize that sheep herding is a talent and an art, I would never have believed what I saw this week.  A group of Welsh sheep herders have made an astonishing video at night of sheep dressed up in LED coats. From an ariel view it resembles a game of computer ping pong with so much more. 

This video was extra amazing to me because my mother's family is from Wales and I have been fortunate enough to take more than a few trips there.  I love the countryside and the people.  My grandmother is gone now and it's hard to say when and if I will be back to Wales again.  I'd like to think I would make another trip over someday.  On most all of my trips to Wales, I had the pleasure of driving up into the mountains to witness a fantastic view.  Things are so green there and the sheep and horses roam freely. 

One time, I visited the mountains with my neice.  When we got in the car and started to drive away, I noticed I had lost my camera case to which my neice replied, "it's with the sheep now".  That was such a funny moment.

I hold many fond memories of Wales and now I have seen sheep herding at it's finest.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

House Hunting Continues

Earlier in my blog, I talked about making the decision to look for the right house to buy.  Well, I have been looking at several different homes that have impressed me - but in no way have wowed me.  This past Thursday, I went and saw a house that really tweaked an interest.  Not wanting to make any rash decisions, I called in some family members including my mom, sister, and brother in law to see the house and offer opinion.  I arranged for my second viewing that took place today. 

Not surprising to me, everyone was very impressed with what they saw and felt the house was right.  I'm very happy that I have finally spotted something that I really like.  Now it is a matter of working out a fair price for both me and the people selling the home.  The important thing to remember here is not to get too attached.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Big Tiger at Night - Baby Tiger in the Morning

Unless you live under a rock, you have heard the stories circulating about Tiger Woods’ many trysts. Does this really affect any one of us? I would say no – unless you happen to be his wife or one of the many mistresses being named in the last few weeks. These women in my opinion are cheapening themselves by going to the media with tell all stories. It is obvious they are seeking fame and money. What a way to become rich and famous – by giving up your dignity.  I don’t understand why Woods’ representatives are even working out negotiations of paying some of these women off. I think the cat (no pun intended) is out of the bag. The gig is up – Elin is well aware that her husband has been unfaithful to her over and over again.

Sources say that this is a tactic to save his marriage, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that dream has already slipped away. I believe it is only a matter of time before Elin takes her money and moves on from Tiger. As far as his sponsors that have dropped him – after the storm is weathered, they will be back. You can count on that. Tiger is classed as the world’s best golfer and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Following Up on State Dinner Crashers

Thank you to everyone who participated in a recent poll on my blog. The question was, should the couple that crashed Obama's state dinner be punished?

Results were:

25% of people said - No - the secret service should hire them as experts.
25% of people said - Yes - throw the book at them.
50% of people said - No - leave them alone.
0% of people were - Undecided.

Michaele and Tareq Salahi were the couple that showed up at Obama's state dinner without an invitation.  This situation has put the secret service under scrutiny.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Loss of Someone

Earlier this year, I wrote about walking in the CIBC "Run for the Cure".  I have been part of a team called Ann's Army for two years now.  Earlier today, I learned that our fearless leader has lost her battle with cancer.  Sadly, Ann passed away last night after just a few months of learning this horrible disease was invading her body yet again.

I worked with Ann.  She was a wonderful lady who always had a smile to share, a sparkle in her eyes, and a kind word to say. Even though she had endured much pain and suffering, Ann kept a positive outlook.

My day was somber as I drifted back and forth in thought of Ann and her family.  She will be sorely missed.