Tuesday, December 7, 2010

An Apology

I haven't posted since July and cannot believe how fast these past few months have gone by.   There has been a bit of a separation with my Internet access and I have recently gotten that problem solved.  I apologize for taking so much time in between blogs.  I am excited to get back to blogging. 
The fall is here now.  Winter is on our heels.  Where exactly did the summer go?  I certainly hope the winter season goes by just as fast.  Christmas will be here before we know it and a new year begins.

Now to get researching and find some interesting things to blog upon.
Any writer would love the following quote and it may even make you chuckle...

"No passion on Earth, neither love nor hate, is equal to the passion to alter someone else's draft" - H.G. Wells

More to come soon.  Thank you for reading.

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