Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Farmer's and their Green Thumb


I grew up as a farm kid and worked many years on the land.  I'm not going to say it was an easy life because it was hard work, but at the end of the day when the crops were harvested, it was a time for celebration and rest.  County living is spectacular and views are breathtaking and invokes peace.  This is soon to become a distant memory.  Good things rarely grow in Ontario anymore.

Government has taken the farm life away simply by not supporting it.  They have ruined farming in Ontario.  It is a shame that our once diverse market has turned to virtually non-existent.  Our premier does not believe in rural Ontario.  He has proven this time and time again.  His green initiative is the icing on the cake.  Soon our beautiful land will be covered with solar panels and wind turbines.  Our breathtaking views will be scathed and gone forever.

I have a problem with prime farm land being used for wind and solar projects. Any farmer who allows his land to be ruined by these projects should give up the right to be called a farmer. A true farmer grows product that feeds mouths not transmission lines. It sickens me that there are people who are starving in this world and we are using prime land for this experimental, trendy green initiative.

When these solar panels and wind turbines are worn out and the developers are long gone, who will de-comission them?  The farmer better not be crying when the responsibility falls upon him.  He better not cry because his land is no longer fit for growing crops.  I don't want to hear about it.  In my mind, the day he allowed these monstrous turbines and panels to be installed on his land, he lost the right to be called a farmer.

Can someone tell me why our Ontario government is forging into this initiative without even thinking about the economic repercussions?  Ratepayers are strapped month to month and the worst of the costs have not even begun to hit their peak.  Jobs are scarce and government continues to dictate what is good for us.  They manipulate information and increasingly take more and more of our livelihood.  The goal is to be a leader in green energy initiatives.  This will be a burden that will sit on the taxpayers backs for years to come.

Everywhere I turn, I hear about green energy.  Green energy is viral, it doesn't matter what website I click on, what paper I pick up to read or what news program I choose to watch, I cannot escape green energy.  Anything that has to have such hard sell to it, makes me want to run away.  There is something seriously wrong here.

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