Sunday, October 28, 2007

What to do with the ex-PMs and all that pent up bile?

This article can be found here.

Oh dear poor dare they be treated as a common person! I really don’t have a lot of sympathy for them. I think they are lucky people who have seen the world and done many things that so many of us never will. Their handsome pensions should help keep them living life to the fullest and take care of them financially for the rest of their days here on earth. Yes, I’m sure it can be a stressful job to be in control, but if they choose to go there they will get what they deserve in the end, be it good or bad. Many leaders have gone on to do many wonderful things and maintain the respect of the masses.

Why is it some former leaders can't just use their experience in a positive way instead of living with guilty consciences and then attacking their predecessors the way they seem to do? How awful that Mulroney had to stoop so low as to say what he did about Trudeau. From what I've learned about Trudeau it seems he did pretty good for his country and himself. Mulroney said because Trudeau didn’t serve in WWII, he didn’t deserve to have a position of moral leadership. It is obvious that the Canadian people disagreed because Trudeau spent 16 years as prime minister and decided to step down on his own accord.

Most of these leaders don’t deserve to be grumpy about anything but their own actions during their role in leadership. Give me a break with this one. Be mad at yourself and clean up your own backyard before you attack someone who isn’t even living anymore and can’t defend themselves.

I really like what I read about the former prime ministers from Portugal and Italy moving on with their careers…to them I give kudos! I think that is a perfect example of what should happen. The experience that these guys gain should not be wasted. Keep them involved in some way if you can. On one condition though, that they use their knowledge in a positive way. With attitudes like of Mulroney this could prove to be damaging. Here is a man who definitely lost the respect and trust of many Canadians with his supposed bribe taking skills.

Former leaders have made a footprint in history in one way or another (good or bad) and they will not be ever totally forgotten. The choice really ends up in their hands on how they want to be remembered. It's easy to wipe out all the positive with a stupid move or stupid thing to say.

A fine tribute to Trudeau can be found here.

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