Sunday, November 25, 2007

We're Canadian and Everybody Loves Us

Link for MacLeans annual poll on how others view Canada here.

Everybody loves us and we don't even know it...
I had no idea that Maclean’s did an annual poll surveying other cultures to find out how they rank Canada as a nation. I think that is a very good idea and it helps give one sense of identity and accomplishment on Canada’s footprint in the world. I’m impressed by the positive feedback Canada got as being one of the best countries to live in the world. On the other hand, it was a bit disturbing to learn how Canadians view the country themselves in some areas. The Americans seemed to be more knowledgeable about us than I thought to be as a rule. They were the only ones to pass with a whopping score of 91% on global knowledge of Canadian affairs. The United Kingdom scored the lowest at just 17%. Perhaps Americans are realizing that we are neighbours and they should know more about us since we do contribute to global issues. I know that when I was in school in my younger days I learned more about American history that I did about Canadian.

Canada is beautiful and diverse!!
Most people surveyed from other countries ranked Canada as high on the nature lover’s list, as Canada has a lot to offer in that regard. What a beautiful country we live in, we are so lucky. Another factor high on the list was that Canada was viewed as offering great quality of life. New residents frequently said that they came to Canada because of the attractive economics. They believe that there are good jobs here along with a good living and future. One lady from Mexico said that there was a very noticeable difference between the poor and the rich in her country, but here the social life was different. The example of the CEO swimming in the same pool as the bus driver was used. She said you would never see that in her country. We really are a diverse culture here in Canada.

Canada is leader in working toward human rights and peace in the world
Most Americans and other nations felt that Canada was a strong leader in this regard.  People surveyed said they felt comfortable about being able to practice their religions freely in Canada. Canadians felt the same, but didn't feel the judicial system was the best in the world. Canadians also seemed to be very proud of the strong social services Canada offered.

Keep Canada what it is Canada...
Many of the people surveyed including Canadians thought that Canada seems to do whatever the United States wants them to do. I think that no matter how close our countries seem to be, Canada will always be distinct from the United States. Our multiculturalism practices alone would put that thought to rest. There are many differences and we should be happy and proud to be a resident of Canada. We are truly blessed here in so many ways. I agree with the lady from Mexico who said that Canadians take for granted what we have here that a lot of other countries don't offer.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Dion accuses Tories of having hidden agenda on death penalty

Is Canada headed toward implementing the death penalty?
I’m not sure I agree with the above statement or necessarily agree with Doin’s accusations that the Tories have a hidden agenda on the death penalty. Yes, in Canada there is no death penalty and there is a lot of crime and hateful crimes happening here. I am not claiming to be a fan of capital punishment especially since in the past few years there have been more than a few cases that proved authorities had the wrong person for crimes committed long ago. These people lost a majority of their lives in jail serving time for something they did not do. If you are deemed guilty in this country, you could spend up to a life sentence in a jail. This is a cost paid for by the taxpayer and it doesn’t come cheap. I just heard that the government spends more money on sustaining the jail system than they do for native programs. The numbers seem higher for the native programs but almost half of the money goes to administrative costs and fees, lawyers etc. Ronald Smith is a Canadian charged with 2 counts of murder because he killed 2 Montana men. He was hitch hiking and the men picked him up. He ended up kidnapping them and wanted their car so he took them both behind bushes and shot them execution style.

Respecting the law of the land….
Countries have laws that even if you don’t agree with must be respected. If you don’t respect another country for their laws, you should pay the price. If visiting another country that has capital punishment, you as a visitor should not be doing anything that can put you in death row position. This doesn’t mean we are headed towards reinstating the death penalty here in Canada. It really tells me that the government feels that Smith is guilty of his crime. It is also true that we are multicultural and we respect other traditions and laws. We practice our own here and others practice their own elsewhere.

Where do you draw the line?
Not reaching out for a fellow Canadian confined to another country in a prison is unfortunate but we would be defending someone who committed an indefensible crime. He would end up coming back to Canada and spending the rest of his life in prison for his crime, a crime he committed while in a foreign land that allows capital punishment. I think that if the government reaches out and helps Smith then that would set precedence for the future. Given the details of this case it is best to let the American authorities deal with this Canadian man.

Spin Doctors doing their thing...
I also think this is just a spin put together by Dion's people. There is an election looming so this is just the beginning of putdowns and shakeups from the opposition parties.

Read this story and decide yourself.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Nicolle Brown - Intern for

See Nicolle's video in the Internship Contest for here.

Intern contestant adds her own flare to
Nicolle has done a fabulous job of capturing every aspect needed for the position of intern at I would definitely say she is one of the top picks for this job. She is graduating from Media Studies so she has learned a lot of Internet related material. Her video is a prime example of her acquired skills. I think her video was put together very well. She is an attractive communicator and Nicolle sells herself in a very effective way. Her video kept my attention and I think it was very well rounded.

Nicolle presented herself very well and would probably give the people who are hiring her a run for their money. She shows maturity and initiative by volunteering at a community radio station. I think it is very impressive that she programs a weekly radio show and is an on air personality. They must like her work there as she is an elected member of the Programming Committee. There is always an issue of having education without experience and having experience and not having the education. What a double-edged sword this is. I think that if Nicolle put that much effort into her video for an intern position, imagine what she’d do if she got the position and wanted to be kept on as permanent staff? I would think she’d do a fantastic job for the company.

I really liked this video and think Nicolle should be a contender for the intern position. She knows what is needed to be successful for this job and she is clearly artistic and covered many aspects of life and work pertaining to should hire this girl and help make her dreams come true!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

NBC executive slams Apple for "killing music industry"

Look for the article called:NBC executive slams Apple for "killing music industry"

To read this story yourself, follow this link.

Everybody wants a piece of the monetary apple pie!
First of all, I don't think the music industry is near being killed. Call me naive but the last time I checked $15M was a substaintial amount of money for a company, especially when another company has done all the creating and inititation for you. This is a small part of NBC's revenue generating inititatives. Apple has provided the means and the vehicle is in place so people are going for a different way of gathering music. I think that we are paying too much for most everything in life. Sick of being gouged in present day society everywhere you turn, consumers are looking for a break where they can get it. I don't know how many times, I've bought a cd and have liked only 1 or 2 songs on the whole thing. There are cd burners, ipods and computers so why wouldn't people make their own musical ensamble? Zucker is a big baby for whining about only getting $15M in revenue from Apple for itunes.

You stratch my back and I'll sratch yours...mmm what?!
As if NBC representative Jeff Zucker didn't sound ridiculous enough whining about the poor sales..(a measly $15M), he in no uncertain terms went over the line by complaining that Apple had not given NBC a cut of their iPod hardware sales. What the heck is going through that man's head? How did he ever get to the position of where he is? How could he even imagine that NBC deserves a cut of Apples hardware? That statement is dripping with pure greed and is totally irrational.

People seem to like it...
Although I don't have an iPod myself yet, everywhere I look I see people with them. They are much more practical for anyone who likes to exercise to music. New technology has improved and while running on the treadmil you don't have to worry about where to put your cd player. The iPod is compact and easy to handle. iTunes are affordable and I like the concept. Apple has a piece of gold in their possession. Their executives must be sitting back laughing at NBC and Zucker at this very moment. I do believe it is the consumer who ultimately continues to decide which products serve them the best.