Sunday, November 25, 2007

We're Canadian and Everybody Loves Us

Link for MacLeans annual poll on how others view Canada here.

Everybody loves us and we don't even know it...
I had no idea that Maclean’s did an annual poll surveying other cultures to find out how they rank Canada as a nation. I think that is a very good idea and it helps give one sense of identity and accomplishment on Canada’s footprint in the world. I’m impressed by the positive feedback Canada got as being one of the best countries to live in the world. On the other hand, it was a bit disturbing to learn how Canadians view the country themselves in some areas. The Americans seemed to be more knowledgeable about us than I thought to be as a rule. They were the only ones to pass with a whopping score of 91% on global knowledge of Canadian affairs. The United Kingdom scored the lowest at just 17%. Perhaps Americans are realizing that we are neighbours and they should know more about us since we do contribute to global issues. I know that when I was in school in my younger days I learned more about American history that I did about Canadian.

Canada is beautiful and diverse!!
Most people surveyed from other countries ranked Canada as high on the nature lover’s list, as Canada has a lot to offer in that regard. What a beautiful country we live in, we are so lucky. Another factor high on the list was that Canada was viewed as offering great quality of life. New residents frequently said that they came to Canada because of the attractive economics. They believe that there are good jobs here along with a good living and future. One lady from Mexico said that there was a very noticeable difference between the poor and the rich in her country, but here the social life was different. The example of the CEO swimming in the same pool as the bus driver was used. She said you would never see that in her country. We really are a diverse culture here in Canada.

Canada is leader in working toward human rights and peace in the world
Most Americans and other nations felt that Canada was a strong leader in this regard.  People surveyed said they felt comfortable about being able to practice their religions freely in Canada. Canadians felt the same, but didn't feel the judicial system was the best in the world. Canadians also seemed to be very proud of the strong social services Canada offered.

Keep Canada what it is Canada...
Many of the people surveyed including Canadians thought that Canada seems to do whatever the United States wants them to do. I think that no matter how close our countries seem to be, Canada will always be distinct from the United States. Our multiculturalism practices alone would put that thought to rest. There are many differences and we should be happy and proud to be a resident of Canada. We are truly blessed here in so many ways. I agree with the lady from Mexico who said that Canadians take for granted what we have here that a lot of other countries don't offer.

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