Face to face communication seems to have taken a back seat. Has it really? Are people losing the skill of face to face communiation? Are we becoming desentized to human contact and actual conversation? So many questions with many different answers.
I saw a news story on television the other night about a teenage girl who was addicted to text messaging. On average, she sent over 3,000 messages each month. Her parents had no idea just how much she was texting until they looked at the phone bill. Luckily, they had a plan for this otherwise I think there would have been some pretty hefty bills racking up. This particular teen seemed to have withdrawn from day-to-day conversation and seemed distant to her family. It was obvious she was wrapped up in her text messaging addiction.
The teen decided to give up text messaging for a week and much to her avail, she discovered that is was getting easier for her to have conversations with others, including her family, she was sleeping better, and her marks went up. I'm sure there are more than a few examples like this to choose from. This one caught my attention and got me thinking. I am also a texter, Facebooker, Twitterer, etc. - you get the message right? I still use the telephone and meet face to face with family, friends, and co-workers. I like to think I do have a balance in my social media and pre-social media life.
Face to face conversation is not easy for all and definitely seems like a bit of an art. The young need to know it even though they are developing and maintaining relationships through social media tools. Living in a constant virtual world probably isn't the most healthy thing to do. Balance is definitely key.
Face to face conversation is not easy for all and definitely seems like a bit of an art. The young need to know it even though they are developing and maintaining relationships through social media tools. Living in a constant virtual world probably isn't the most healthy thing to do. Balance is definitely key.
I believe that social media has it's advantages and has helped connect people after many years of not being in touch. Through social networking sites such as Facebook, old lost friends are finding eachother again, no matter where they are in the world. Twitter is also a great way to connect to the on-line world.
On the flip, read Why Face-to-Face Communication is Best and decide for yourself. I think think both are beneficial. Just like everything, there is an upside and a downside. Society is on its way to a new way of relationship building both personally, in business, and social media will only get more popular from here.
On the flip, read Why Face-to-Face Communication is Best and decide for yourself. I think think both are beneficial. Just like everything, there is an upside and a downside. Society is on its way to a new way of relationship building both personally, in business, and social media will only get more popular from here.
We are already well into a generation of non-social interaction. The art of personal contact and conversation has been replaced with text messages, e-mails and social chat rooms.
We seem to be enthralled with this electronic medium so much that our social skills suffer, personal interaction will become harder and even more awkward,the human voice will be only heard at the other end of a phone, or computer.
We have become so dependant electronically this last decade... do you think that you or I could survive without our Blackberry's or laptops for 48 hrs? I actually cannot remember the last time I didnt touch a keyboard for the entire span of a single day! Think about that Lisa...
So many young people are text messaging dependant.. addicted if you will. I watched a woman I know type messages on an iphone so quickly, it was if she had a full keyboard in front of her. Kids texting other kids in school, sometimes within the same classroom... the next row over!!!
...and the phone carriers are loving every minute of it.
Yes - agree many of us have become dependent on social media tools. I supposed if I was on holiday in Hawaii for a week, I could survive without a cell phone or computer. Other than that I use both every day.
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