Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 Looks Prosperous - Atrologically Speaking

In my previous blog, I stated that I am glad to see 2010 go in the past and look forward to 2011 in hopes that a better year unfolds.
If you follow astrology, you may have already checked up on the year ahead.  My forecast was inspiring and predicts a very prosperous financial time.  There seems to be an opportunity for me to use my skills to do something that I love to do and turn it into a monetary gain. 

Imagine work becoming something I actually enjoy to do.  I really hope that this forecast is on the mark.  I have worked very hard to educate myself, work different jobs, volunteer my time and gain valuable experience.  If this year brings a bearing of the fruits of my labour, I welcome it with open arms.  Bring on the prosperity - I've been waiting for this.

Check out your own forecast by Nadiya Shah.

Cartoon from Google Images found here.

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