Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Going Green for the Holidays

We are all exposed to the three R's everyday and everywhere we turn.  The three R's consist of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.  There are many ways we can reduce our carbon footprint and cut down on waste.  For example, we have all been using a blue box for many years.  Much effort has been put into reducing the impact of landfill areas by implementing recycling programs and educating the public on the positive effects of being environmentally responsible. 

The holidays are just around the corner with only about six weeks until Christmas.  Where does the time go?  Is it just me, or does Christmas always seem to sneak up on us every year?  This time of the year is normally a retailer's dream.  This year may be different because of the economy.  People are not spending money like they have in the past.  There may be more reasons for the difference.  For example, the reduction of one's carbon footprint continues to be a priority in the media and every day life, and this holiday season is no exception.

I stumbled across an article that talks about reducing our carbon footprint over the holidays.  This is a change from the prominent disposable society we are living in.  It is kind of appalling to learn that approximately 66% of items that we throw away each day could actually be reused.  Why are we still being so wasteful?  Part of this could be that we are a spoiled society and have an overabundance of everything.  The local shoe repair person packed up and left town years ago.  At least, this is the case in my area. I'm sure the larger cities still have the odd place to take shoes, purses, etc. to be repaired. 

Reusing boxes and paper from previous years is only one way we can make a positive difference for the environment.  Earth Savings News suggests reusing holiday decorations, party supplies, and switching up an outfit as opposed to going out and buying new.

There are many useful tips listed on the Earth Savings News website.  Many holiday tips are listed here.  Check them out; you can cut down on waste and save some money for the Boxing Day sales.


Matthew.67 said...

This blog actually made me giggle....

"My Mom the environmentalist" has been storing and reusing boxes for decades during the holidays and birthdays. Darned if she didnt have the right size box for just about anything.

She could trick you too!! Christmas day and youre opening your presents when you see this 'monster box' all wrapped up with your name on it. The big smile of satisfaction is yours as you tear off the paper to reveal; a box with a picture of a 27' television... you open he big box to find; socks and underwear.

Enviromentalists have a cruel sense of humor!

Weezie said...

That is pretty cute Matt. Mom's have a way of keeping one up on the kids.
