Sunday, November 8, 2009

Who Let the Dogs Out

Rosie and Lily
 Nothing is more terrifying for me as the last couple of times my three dogs escaped from their fenced in yard.  The fenced in yard provides more than enough running and play area, as well as keeping them contained.  It was my fault for opening the gate and thinking they would follow me to the door of the house.  It is obvious they have no idea about the dangers of the outside world. The first picture features Rosie on the left and Lily to the right.  Rosie and Lily are both Bichon Poo, are two peas in a pod, and as you can see from the picture, are very happy girls. They are a joy to have around and have become great companions.

 For being so little, they are like bullets and take off like a flash.  They have no idea that the road is a minefield to them.  Rosie is the ringleader and is the one who runs in front and the other two follow.  Daisy seems to be the only one that will retreat relatively quick and return to me.  Lily will full out follow Rosie as fast as she can not knowing where she may end up.  This most recent episode had Rosie and Lily both running across a large field by our house, crossing a road, and ending up at the neighbour's house.  The second picture features Daisy, a Shihpoo, is the oldest of the crew, and sometimes seems like the wisest.  I say this because she did eventually stop and come back to me - thankfully.

As I grabbed a hold of Daisy and picked her up in my arms to go after the other two, Lily stopped in the ditch in front of the neighbour's property and stayed there.  I think she suddenly realized she had no idea where she was.  It was when Rosie decided to come back out from inside the neighbour's property, that they both spotted me and decided to make a run toward me.  I stopped in my tracks and my heart pounded as the two of them crossed the road to make their way over to me.  I feared the worst, and all I could do was focus on them staying on the path and making it back to me unhurt. 

Thank goodness they came toward me and I was able to grab Rosie by the collar and hook Lily up to the only leash I had with me.  I carried Daisy under one arm and Rosie under the other all the way back home.  Lily pranced beside me on the leash.  Into the fenced in yard they went and they were once again safe.  I was the blame for the escape because I opened the gate in thoughts that they would follow me to the door.

I am just thankful that nothing terrible happened to these girls.  They have become part of the family and I don't know what I would do if anything happened to them now.  This was a lesson learned for me (second time) and I will never trust them off lead again.


Matthew.67 said...

They are both young, hyper and are at a point in their lives where they want to blindly explore. Thank god you caught them before anything happened!! It will take a little while but they will learn where not to go and what is dangerous. Never blame yourself Lisa, you just have to be on your toes with the girls when outside...its in their nature.

Weezie said...

Thanks Matt - you know how much they mean to me. I really hope they learn quickly.


Matthew.67 said...

The girls are just babies yet, give them time to learn and be patient with them.

(and they are just so adorable too!)